Welcome to Algarve Bubble Football

The activity began in Norway, as a joke by the presenters of the TV program Golden Goal Henrik Elvestad and Johan Golden.
Quickly, people who saw the program began to become interested in the new activity and, little by little, the game spread throughout the world. Bubble Football is a football game where players play inside a plastic bubble.
Just like in football, the team that scores the most goals wins the game.
The most fun thing here is that clashes are part of the game and provide the most fun moments of each match. It’s a fun, safe activity that can be played by adults and children.

How to Play


Each team plays with 4 players and there are no goalkeepers.

Playing field:

Bubble Football can be played anywhere. On the beach, in a pavilion, on a playground or in a garden.


The only fault is to take off your bubble on the playing field.


Each team uses a set of bubbles identified by a color. Players must wear sportswear (shorts, tracksuit, t-shirt) and tennis shoes. The use of boots with studs, shoes with metallic parts, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches, bracelets or any other metallic objects that could damage the blisters and/or put participants at risk is not permitted.

Game Time:

Participants are free to decide how long each match will take, within the contracted time. As it is a very tiring game, we recommend that teams take turns every 15/20 minutes.


Other Games we can Play

1. Bubble Bump VIP

Divide the players into 2 teams.

One of the players from team 1 will be considered the VIP player while the remaining members will be his bodyguards. As bodyguards, they need to protect the VIP as he moves to the other side of the field.

On the other hand, all players on team 2 try to hit the VIP player to try to knock him down.

If team 1 manages to get the VIP player across the field, points will be awarded to them. However, if team 2 manages to take down the VIP player, the points go to team 2 and the teams reverse their positions, and it is now up to team 2 to choose the new VIP player.

2. The invasion

The name of the game literally shows what it is. Each of two teams is placed inside a rectangular field and when the start signal is given, the players from each team run and collide with the others. The game is won by the first team to have all players inside the opponent’s field.

3. Bubble Bump Soccer

The classic football game, but with bubbles! All football rules. The only special rule: Do not take off your bubble on the field!

4. Last Bubble Standing

The game starts when the judge/facilitator gives a signal (it can be a whistle). At that moment the players collide with each other and each player who falls is eliminated. The last player left standing wins the game.

5. The Man in the Middle

One of the players volunteers to stand in the center of the field. The remaining players are divided into the back lines (or sides) of each field.

When the signal to start the game is given, all players run to the opposite side and the player in the middle tries to knock down as many of the remaining participants as possible.

The participants who were knocked down join the player in the center and the game continues until only 1 player remains.

6. 500 Points

In this game, participants play with a soft object.

The referee will throw the soft object in the air and participants must try to catch the object.

Each throw can have a different score.

As the hands are inside the bubble, the way to pick up the object is through the upper opening of the bubble.

While trying to catch the object, each player has to avoid being knocked down by the other players.

The player who reaches 500 points first wins the game

7. Bubble King Sumo

Game equivalent to traditional Japanese sumo.

It is played with 2 players inside a round field (it can be the central circle of the football field). When the referee gives the start signal, players must try to place the opponent outside the playing circle. Whoever manages to put their opponent out of the field of play wins.

8. Bubble Bowling

One of the players will be the “bowling ball” and the rest will be the pins.

A tip: a formation with just 5 “pins” works best.

The “ball” player runs and throws himself against the pins, trying to knock down as many “pins” as possible.

As in normal bowling, each “ball” player has 2 attempts to knock down the pins.

Scoring can be like traditional bowling.

Events – What we can Organize

Algarve Bubble Football can organize all types of events for bubble football:

bubble football games

Material rental

Private competition organizations

Birthday parties

Bachelor parties

Activities for companies

Team Building Activities

New Year parties

Sports events for Associations

Activities in schools Sports entertainment for Municipal Councils, etc.


Material rental/game organization:

Bubble Football – 2h –  500 Euros (>15 people)

Bubble Football – 1h30 –  425 Euros (10< people <=15)

Bubble Football – 1h –  325 Euros (<= 10 people)

Commission of agencies should be added on top of algarvefootbubble prices 

Event organization:

Prices to be agreed, request a quote



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